Monday, October 10, 2011

Packing for the Big Day

There are tons of different thoughts about packing a bag for the big day.  Now that we are starting our 37th week, I have my bag all ready to go.  There are some things that I did differently from the last two and some things that I know I just can't live without.  I know that my bag is probably 'over packed', but I'd rather have something that I won't use than to not have something that I really want after getting there.

So, here is the run down of what's in my "Big Day" bag.
  • My laptop and cameras.....people think I'm crazy that I want to work during labor, but I think it'll be fun.
  • Birthing Gown - all clean and ready to go.  Thank you to Dressed to Deliver!
  • My favorite rice hot pack.  My Dad made it and I stole it from him a few years ago.
  • A small massage ball.  (It looks like one of those plastic dryer balls.)
  • Fuzzy socks
  • King Sized pillow with a flannel cover that my Mom made me.  So comfy!
  • Makeup and toiletries (soaps, lotions, toothbrush, hair stuff, etc.)
  • Nursing bras
  • My favorite black yoga pants
  • My favorite camis with a shelf bra
  • My favorite cotton sweater
  • Sleep pants, t-shirts, jeans and toiletries for RacDad
  • A pair of swim trunks for RacDad (so he can help me in the whirlpool tub....yep, I get a whirlpool tub to use the whole time I'm there!)
  • Newborn cloth diapers, wipes and wet bag
  • Baby outfit for coming home
  • Baby blanket and Baby bunting (because it could snow by Halloween)
  • Treats for the nurses (Halloween chocolates!)
I'm sure that you all have noticed that I do not have my birthing plan as a part of my bag.  We did a birthing plan with Little Man and I don't think that anyone even looked at it.  Also, with labor anything can change.  Luckily I am delivering in a hospital that supports very natural practices like natural labor and breastfeeding.  I will be in a labor, delivery, and recovery room.  I'm very excited that we don't have to leave the room we start out in!  As far as a 'plan' goes, I only have three things that are a must for me.  They are that my husband and my mother get full disclosure on everything that happens, that baby has no 'procedures' done until after the first feeding, and that baby is exclusively breastfed.  I still haven't decided if I'm going to try going natural with this baby (to see what all the hype is about) or if I want to be comfortable.  But, that is a decision that I can make after I get there.  My doctor is very supportive either way and I think that she would be more supportive if I try to do it natural.

I want to make sure that you all know that I will be live blogging that day.  I want to invite you all to join me in the wonderful journey of life.  I will do a few vlog posts here and there, but mostly I will just give blog updates as things progress before active labor hits.  ( money shots.  We are keeping the actual active labor part for ourselves.  But we will let you know how it turns out!)  I will also be doing a review that I will formally post after, but you all will be able to see the process of the review.

I look forward to sharing our "Big Day" with you all!



  1. Can't believe that you're already this far along!! Best of luck and can't wait to read about it!

  2. Thank you so much! It looks like it's going to be any day now. I'm getting pretty excited.


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