Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tidbits from Home

I grew up in one of the neatest little towns in the Midwest.  Located on the southeast tip of South Dakota, it is right in between the Missouri River and the Big Sioux River.  It had 1,200 people when I was living here as a child and young adult.  It has grown to 1,600 in a short 5 years since we've moved away.  It was always one of those places where you knew everyone and everyone knew you.

The Miranda Lambert song really tells the truth.....everyone is famous in a small town, for something.  I was famous for being a singer, band member, Drum Major in marching band, and a cheerleader for a few years in High School.  I was also active with our local Legion Auxiliary group from the age of 5 years old until High School.  I can remember my daughter wanting so badly to be in the local paper last year (which living in a city like Omaha is quite the feat for a 9 year old.)  I was telling her that being in the paper is not such a big deal.  My Grandma saved all the scraps from our local paper when I was growing up, so I got it out to show my daughter.  My Grandma gave it to me for my High School graduation.  This scrapbook is filled with pictures and articles from when I was really little through my High School days.  There must be hundreds of things cut out of the paper in there.  I guess I took that kind of thing for granted.  Now that we are back in my Hometown, I guess Sweet Pea will finally get her chance to be 'showcased'!

Growing up here was great as a kid.  We had so many liberties and independence.  Luckily, it is still that way...for the most part.  We could walk to our friend's house across town, and our parents knew that it would be OK because we knew that if we did anything wrong...they'd find out before we got home.  I guess that's the downside to everyone knowing you, but the upside for parents.

It has always been a thriving town.  It is the county seat.  There is industry here and many people who live here, work here.  There is a Grocery Store.  My Grandpa used to be the owner before he retired and sold it to my Aunt, who has since sold it to another family.  There is a hardware store.  My Great Aunt and Uncle owned that before retiring.  There are two gas stations, three bars, and a convenience store.  There is Ollies, which is a drive in eatery that serves the best soft serve ice cream with tons of options for shakes and sundaes and huge chili footlong hotdogs along with other fried foods.  There is Edgar's Old Fashioned Soda Fountain, which is a neat little shop with old fashioned sodas and ice cream treats and fun gifts and housewares.  It is connected to the pharmacy.  Los Amigos is a great little Mexican restaurant where I would go to get help on my book reports for Spanish class.  Cody's Homestead is my Uncle Cody's restaurant.  He is known for his homemade pies that are made from scratch every morning.  He is also known for his great pancakes, scrapple and potato bread, the most amazing hamburgers and fresh steaks, fresh fish and other amazing food.  There are three lawyers, an accounting firm, two insurance offices, a clinic and a dentist.  There is also a motel by the interstate.

The RacDad always makes fun of me because it seems that Elk Point is the center of the world.  Anywhere I go, I meet someone who either knows someone who lived in town or knew of a place in the town.  I even met someone in a bar in Prague who said, " Do you know 'so and so'?"  And of course, I did.  I'd love to hear about how many of you have your own stories of my little Hometown.


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