OK….so at 37 weeks. I went into labor, but it stalled out after Little Man decided to turn "Sunny Side Up" on me. It was heartbreaking to go to the hospital in labor and have to go home....still pregnant.
Taken two nights before Little Man's birth. |
Early on a Sunday morning, marking the First Day of Spring; March 21st, I was awoken by contractions around 3am but fell back asleep, again at 4am falling back asleep and then finally at 5am…realizing that they were getting more intense every time they woke me up. So I started to pay attention to what was going on; realizing that it was Day 1 of Week 39! If I went now, they would let me go. I woke the RacDad up at 5:45 and was in a lot of discomfort. So we started timing. I told him that I was going to take a shower now because I learned with Sweet Pea that they won’t let you do it later. So, here is the timing: 5:55, 6:04, 6:13, (took shower) 6:23, 6:27, (Called mom and dad) 6:33, 6:39, 6:48, (Called nurse to inform hospital) 6:53, 6:57, 7:01, (Called the neighbor, woke up Sweet Pea, got her bag together) 7:05, 7:09, 7:13, 7:18, 7:23, (took Sweet Pea to the neighbor’s and got in the car to go) 7:26, 7:29, 7:32, 7:38, 7:44, 7:50…..arrived at the hospital again. This time I was determined to not leave pregnant again!
Mom and Dad got into town just in time to see Sweet Pea and take her up to Sunday School. Then they came to the hospital around 10 am. I had been walking the halls again and then hooked up to monitors. Little Man had an arrhythmia that we had been closely monitoring for 2 weeks. It had already corrected itself. I was not any more dilated than before. I was almost fully effaced. So, we were walking again until the contractions were too much to handle standing. My nurse, Amy, checked me again and told me that Dr. Bishop (my backup Dr. because mine was on vacation!) was unavailable because of a slumber party she was hosting for her son, and that she’d be available that evening. I told her that I was pretty sure that she wouldn’t make it. So, she left to go get Dr. Jones (the on call Dr.) for me to meet because I was freaking out a little about my back up Dr. being unavailable on a day that she was supposed to be! While she was gone, the RacDad called into work. He was supposed to work a Craps Tournament during the day and was not going to make it there in time, whether we stayed at the hospital or not. We were still waiting for the go ahead for Little Man’s arrival. As the RacDad was hanging up from the call at 10:15, I felt a ‘POP’ and a big warm GUSH……. I looked at the RacDad shocked and excited, and said, “My water broke! My water broke!” I looked at my mom and said, “No turning back now!” with a huge grin. That was such an experience! I was asleep when my water broke with Sweet Pea. I swore that the RacDad and my mom could’ve heard it because I thought I did.
I called our neighbor to let her know that Sweet Pea was going to be with her for the day and that she could pick her up from Sunday School. Sweet Pea called when she was getting picked up and was pretty disappointed that she couldn’t go to church. There was a celebration for the new pastor that started that day. I explained to her that there was no one to go to church with her and that Mommy and Daddy were going to be at the hospital all day with Grandma and Grandpa to have the baby. I then told her that after the baby comes, that Grandma and Grandpa would come and get her so she could come and meet him.
Then I met Dr. Jones. She was very nice and comforting; which is what I really needed being so apprehensive about my Doctors being unavailable. I also met a student, Andrew, who was doing his residency. He was so polite and cautious when he was asking if I would mind him being around through the day. I was fast to say, “Absolutely you can!” (I love having students around for visits/procedures. In my experience, it makes the Dr. do things a little more thorough and they talk about what they are doing. That way you know what’s going on too.) I also like helping out someone who is learning. He was very nice. I also had nice chats with Amy. She was also expecting and we had fun chats about shoes and belly bands and names. The RacDad and I were waiting to see the little guy to find out what his name would be.
Things were progressing at a fairly slow pace. I did get my epidural when the contractions were getting painful and I just couldn’t sit up or walk any more. They had to monitor Little Man closely because of the arrhythmia, so I figured that if I was stuck in bed; I might as well be comfortable. They also suggested Pitocin at noon. I told her that I was apprehensive about it because I react very quickly to it. Then Dr. Jones said that she’d give me just a little mini dose to see if it would help things along at about 1:30pm and I was at 6 cm. Amy had to leave after to check on another patient because her nurse was having lunch and she said that she’d be back soon. About 20 minutes after she left, I started getting that familiar ‘funny feeling’. Another nurse came in to check on me and said that everything was fine.
Amy and Andrew came back in. Andrew looked at the monitor and headed out. I told Amy that I was starting to feel funny. She said, “Funny, how?” I said that there was a lot of pressure. She checked and said that I was at 9 cm and that she was just going to sit down and work on my chart for a while. She also turned me on my other side to help with the discomfort. I laid there for about 15 minutes just trying to relax and breathe through the contractions that were getting noticeable…even with the epidural. Finally, I told her that there was a LOT of pressure. She checked again and said, “OK….I’m going to get you ready and have you push to see how it’s going to go. So I pushed a little bit and she quickly said….STOP! I have to get the Dr. NOW.” Dr. Jones came in and explained to Andrew that the nurses will let women push a few times before getting the Dr. because they will usually push for a while. BUT, not in my case. So, I was holding back and waiting. The RacDad and my mom were getting more excited with all the bustle in the room. They had the warmer out and ready and Dr. Jones and Andrew were ready to start. Amy held my hand and helped guide me through my labor. I started to push and breath through my first contraction. Dr. Jones said to stop and wait for the next one….it burned so badly! Then she said to go again. Midway through the breath, he was here! Dr. Jones was astonished and this was Andrew’s first birth of his first OB rotation. Dr. Jones walked Andrew through sewing up the tears that I had….they were extensive and happened too fast for her to be able to prevent it. Little Man was placed directly on me so that my body could warm him. The RacDad cut the cord (which he didn't get to do with Sweet Pea). I watched the RacDad and my mom filled with excitement and wonder. He was perfect and I just didn’t want to let him go. But, I had to get cleaned up and so did Little Man. They took him to weigh and clean him on the warmer in my room. Everything was so amazing. Dr. Jones asked my mom if my first birth was this easy…she said, No. It was easier…there was only 1 push. Dr. Jones said that this was the easiest delivery she’s had to perform in decades. We called Sweet Pea to let her know. I then asked Sweet Pea what she thought we should name him because we couldn’t decide.
Little Man was born March 21, 2010 at 3:13 pm. He was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 inches with a full head of hair.
After getting everyone settled and my Dad in to meet Little Man. Then my parents left to go get Sweet Pea and the RacDad and I started making our phone calls. Amy also ordered supper for me and helped me out of bed to go to the bathroom. I was shocked that I could get out of bed! Sweet Pea came just as I was finishing dinner. Little Man had his bath and was snuggly wrapped. We were getting ready to move down a floor to the recovery room. The whole clan made its way with us. Little Man ‘roomed in’ with the RacDad and me. Sweet Pea stayed at the house with my mom and went to school during the day and came to visit in the evening while we were at the hospital.
It was a wonderful birthing experience. I was so thankful to Amy, Andrew and Dr. Jones for taking such good care of us.
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