Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Trophy Wife needs your help

Well, after a very long weekend (and missing you all!), I finally have a chance to do a quick little post.

I am asking for all of you, especially my Omaha area followers, to give me a little hand.  The Raconteur Daddy and I have been working hard all summer trying to sell our house in the Omaha area and move back to our home state of South Dakota.  The Raconteur Daddy has been working here since June and the kids and I have been up here with him living with our wonderful and patient families.  We have had our frustrations with the general housing market and how things have been progressing, but we figured that our Realtor was working hard to help us out.  Well, we were wrong to assume that.  We had some big issues come up that caused us to part ways with our Realtor this weekend; which I will talk about in detail once everything is resolved; I want to share about that with you in hopes of helping those who are going through the same process spot the warning signs before it's too late.

With that being said, The Raconteur Daddy and I were going to try to rent our house while it was on the market with the Realtor so that we can finally get a place to settle down into before Peanut comes.  Now, we are going to try to sell it on our own.  We think that now is the time to take advantage of the housing market.  Since we don't have to worry about paying insane commissions to a Realtor, we can cut our selling price by a huge amount!  We also know that getting financing seems to be the road block for many people, not because they can't afford it but because the banks have very picky guidelines now.  So we are also willing to consider a rent to own, or rent with option to buy agreements!

Check out our website with more information.  I would love to be able to welcome someone to their new home!

Thank you for passing along word!


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