Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Cloth Diaper Celebration Winners!!

Thank you all for a wonderful month celebrating cloth diapers and the products that make my cloth diapering journey easier.  I hope you all enjoyed our time together.  I've had a lot of fun connecting with you all.  Also, thank you all so much for being so patient.  There just wasn't enough time in the day yesterday to get it posted.

Here are the lucky winners:

GoGreen Champ 2.0:  Lucky Number 33 out of 329 was.....Bobbie!  Michelle_B!!!!

Cloth Diaper, Inc. Natural Wipe Spray:  Lucky Number 62 out of 117 was Nikki! (claimed!)

Boo-Hiney Butter:  Lucky Number 47 out of 56 was KarilynAley!  (claimed!)

Ruby Moon cloth diaper detergent:  Lucky Number 44 our of 97 was Heaventaste!!  (claimed!)

Congratulations to all the winners!  Thank you to everyone who participated and to all my followers.

I look forward to the next big cloth diaper event.  And in Trophy Wife tradition, here's a hint.....Peanut (baby number Three) is coming soon, so we will be celebrating the "newborn".  (There will also be giveaways for those who have older kids too.)  Plus, we'll have more fun reviews and giveaways coming soon too!

* All winners have been emailed.  They have 24 hours to contact me back to claim their prize before a new winner is drawn.  New winner had to be drawn for the Go Green Pocket Diaper on Aug 4th.


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