Monday, May 27, 2013

Conscious Box Review and Giveaway!!

It has been a while since I have done a review and giveaway.  So, I knew that I wanted to introduce you all to something really cool and really different to get back into the swing of things.  That's when I found Conscious Box.  Conscious Box is an online shop where you can order a subscription box every month to learn about new and wonderful products.  Whether you are Gluten-Free, Vegan, or just eco-conscious/crunchy/natural, they have a box that will fit your lifestyle.

I had a lot of fun checking out my goodie box from Conscious Box.  I had a mix of Gluten-Free snacks, sensitive baby lotion, air freshener and floor cleaner, and refreshing facial cleanser.  Everything inside was trial size, but it let me get a good experience from the products.  Some of them I liked a lot and others I probably wouldn't have a need for or choose to use regularly.  Then, I went to their website and I could find the full size products that I liked in my box.  I could also find other products that are eco-friendly.  It is a really great resource to find products that fit into your needs and preferred way of living.  The only thing that I will comment on is that in my box, the Gluten-Free products were all labeled saying that they were processed in facilities that process nuts and wheat products.  So, if you have Celiacs or other gluten or nut intolerance or allergies, please read the labels carefully even if it says "gluten-free".  Cross contamination could still be a problem even if it's not made with gluten or nuts.

 So, what you do is go to their website, and subscribe to the type of box that you want.  You can choose a monthly, 3 month, 6 month, or 1 year subscription.  Then once a month, they mail you a goodie box full of different things to try out and coupons for some of the products in your box.  If you find something that you really like, then you can go out and buy more...but you're not stuck with a big bottle of something that you don't like.  This gives you a chance to try out the different products without having to commit to it.  The best part is that they keep track of what they send you, so you will get different things every month.

Now, here's the really fun part.  I have TWO great things to share with you.  First, you can try Conscious Box right now for FREE!  Use the code "FIRSTBOXFREE" and make sure to tell them that I sent you over.   You do have to pay shipping, but you'll get a really fun box full of fun goodies with no commitment to continue.  You can cancel all of your subscriptions at any time.

The second part is that one lucky OTTW reader will get the chance to win a special box of their very own!  Just enter in the Rafflecopter form below.

Conscious Box wins The Trophy Wife's Seal of Approval!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.  All pictures and opinions are OTTW and The Trophy Wife's.  Use of all information on OTTW is strictly prohibited and requires consent of OTTW.  Thank you!


  1. Eco vessel water bottles and softbums cloth diapers

  2. My favorites are reusable water bottles, cloth diapers (all 3 of my grandchildren were cloth diapered!), cloth shopping bags and my SodaStream soda maker.

  3. Great giveaway! I love BumGenius Elemental cloth diapers and CJs Butter, and Now essential oils.


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